The Piezoelectric Effect and Its Application in Piezo Motors

Understanding the Piezoelectric Effect

The piezoelectric effect is a fascinating phenomenon where certain materials can generate an electric charge in response to mechanical stress. This unique property finds application in various fields, including the development of piezo motors, which are increasingly popular in precision electronic devices. This article delves into the piezoelectric effect, the inverse piezoelectric effect, and their critical roles in the functionality of piezo motors.

The Piezoelectric Effect: A Historical Overview

The discovery of the piezoelectric effect dates back to 1880 by French physicists Jacques and Pierre Curie. The Curies observed that applying mechanical stress to certain crystals, like quartz, produced an electric charge. This initial discovery has since spawned extensive research and development, broadening the scope of piezoelectric materials and their applications.

The term “piezoelectricity” comes from the Greek word “piezein,” meaning to press or squeeze. The materials exhibiting this effect are called piezoelectric materials. They are unique because they can convert mechanical energy into electrical energy and vice versa, a property that is central to the operation of piezo motors.

The Piezoelectric Effect Explained

Piezoelectric materials, such as quartz, tourmaline, and certain ceramics, have a crystalline structure that lacks a center of symmetry. When mechanical stress is applied to these materials, their crystalline structure becomes deformed, leading to an asymmetric distribution of electric charges, thus generating an electric voltage across the material. This direct piezoelectric effect has been exploited in various applications, from the creation of ultrasonic waves in medical imaging to the precise control mechanisms in modern electronics.

The Inverse Piezoelectric Effect

Conversely, the inverse piezoelectric effect involves applying an electric field to piezoelectric materials, causing them to deform mechanically. This effect is equally significant as it allows the material to convert electrical energy back into mechanical energy. This property is particularly useful in creating motion, which is the principle behind piezo motors.

Application in Piezo Motors

A piezo motor is fundamentally different from conventional electromagnetic motors. Instead of using electromagnetic forces, a piezo motor utilizes the inverse piezoelectric effect to create motion. By applying an electric voltage to a piezoelectric material, it can induce precise and controlled mechanical movements.

Piezo motors are renowned for their precision. They can move in extremely small increments, known as “steps,” often as tiny as a few nanometers. This makes them ideal for applications where very high precision is required, such as in optical instruments, medical devices, and semiconductor fabrication.

The operation of a piezo motor typically involves rapid and repeated expansion and contraction of the piezoelectric material. These movements are orchestrated to produce motion in a desired direction. The ability to control the direction and size of these movements by varying the electric field allows for the design of highly efficient and precise motors.

Advantages of Piezo Motors

  1. High Precision and Resolution: Piezo motors can achieve movements as small as the atomic scale, allowing for extraordinarily precise operation.
  2. No Magnetic Interference: Unlike conventional motors, piezo motors do not generate magnetic fields, which is crucial in sensitive electronic and scientific applications.
  3. Low Power Consumption: They typically consume less power, especially at rest, as they do not require a continuous current to maintain their position.
  4. Compact and Versatile: Due to the absence of bulky magnetic coils, piezo motors are compact and easily integrated into various electronic devices.

Future Prospects

The ongoing development of piezoelectric materials and technologies continues to enhance the capabilities and applications of piezo motors. Research is focused on improving the efficiency, reducing the costs, and exploring new formulations of piezoelectric materials that offer greater durability and environmental resistance.


The piezoelectric effect and the inverse piezoelectric effect are pivotal in the realm of modern technology, particularly in the development of piezo motors. These motors exemplify how fundamental scientific discoveries can be transformed into critical technologies that advance various industries. As research progresses, the potential applications of piezoelectric materials and piezo motors are expected to expand, further embedding these remarkable phenomena into the fabric of technological advancement.